Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Shooting from the Hip

Quick apologies to all of the English folks (and anyone with a proper grasp of grammar). As many have probably noticed, initially many of my post have been filled with typos and grammatical mistakes. Due to the slow connection (and just purely wanting to get back out into the camp), I have not been as diligent to catch all of these mistakes as I am normally (Professors do not like typos) and thus figuratively shooting from the hip.

Talking about shooting, the Scoutmasters (and Assistants SM ) get to take part in a shotgun contest. I am very much looking forward to this!

Quick Photos:

Boys eating dinner Tuesday evening.

Camp before breakfast today.


Shell said...

Thanks, Paul for the great blog!

It's so fun to see what the boys are up to and know that they're having fun... despite the flood, rain, etc.

You've done many a worried mother a great service! ;o)

Shelley McCoy (Jake's Mom)

Shell said...
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