Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

RUC and the future

Yesterday we had our bi-weekly Regent Undergraduate Council (RUC) Meeting. I as a Representative sitting on the Council was very pleased by the progress and directions that is forming in the Council. Up till now we have really just focus on events and other related things, but I believe yesterday changed that. Though as a Council we do need to concern ourselves with creating and hosting events for the students so as to build community, but I believe the higher goal of the Council should be to begin to address the academic and school related concerns of the student body. We decided yesterday that this should indeed be a greater focus of the Council from now on. Though it is going to take commitment and focus to do this, I believe that we are up for it.

In regards to RUC , I plan to over the next several months to help RUC begin to really promote itself among the student body. I know for myself personally, that I had been at Regent for nearly two years before I first really knew what RUC was. Considering that RUC’s purpose is to serve the student body, it is hard to address the concerns of the students if the students don’t know where to express their concerns to us.

So please let us know how we can help you. Contact us at


Anonymous said...

What a great post. I am so glad that people are working to help the Undergrads. You are an inspiration to me.

Sanna said...

I agree with you in many aspects. It would be cool to have two different bodies of people in RUC - a group of people to deal with academic stuff, and a group to mainly focus on student life. That was we could get the most exellence out of both parties, as the focus would be more concentrated. I really agree with you, but I also know that it frusterates me that Regent has almost no student life whatsoever.

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