Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lunch and a date with the lake

Troop update:

So some of the boys got their opportunity to serve lunch today. I was with them and you wouldn't believe how fast that hour and twenty minutes of time went! I had the duty of serving brownies and it was quite a challenge. You might not think so, but when a batch of brownies came glued to the pan, I could hardly prying them off fast enough!

Many of our boys are off for their Wilderness Survival overnighter. Taking just the essentials, the boys will spend the night away from the comforts of camp (cough, cough) and prove their ability to survive in the outdoors. If that wasn't enough, when they join us back in camp around 5:30 am they, as well as the rest of the troop, have a 6:00 am date with the lake!

Here are some photos from earlier this week:

Lined up on the parade field.

Before bed assembly.

Catch of the day.

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