Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thunderbird and Pancakes!!

So I really should be working on my research project, but I wanted to post quickly. So I have to say I am really loving Thunderbird! Since I am on a Mac, I do not have to deal with Outlook and I rather like Apple's default Mail application. But some time ago, I decided to set up my school email on Thunderbird. It worked fine, that was until recently when I found out it could do so much more. I now have it so that it put emails related to the branch into its own branch folder, class emails into its own folder etc... Now Apple's mail does this, but what Thunderbird also does is it reads RSS feeds and makes them show up in my mail like emails! So I now have many of my fellow bloggers set up this Thunderbird so I receive an "email" everytime some writes a new so cool! (To be fair, Apple's Mail 3 in Leopard also does this...but I don't have that yet!)

Get Thunderbird!

Second, the Pancake Christmas party put on by Student Services with the help of RUC was amazing fun! Here are a few photos until I post the album.

Hanging out with friends!!

Playing Regent Jeopardy!!
And HMMMMMM.....Pancakes!!!

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