Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, December 31, 2007

A Brief Look Over the Shoulder

So I have had an amazing year! It as felt like it has gone by at about lightspeed, yet I have so many things to be grateful for. I have had so many experiences that have caused me to stretch and grow. I have made so many new friendships that are amazing and are causing me to grow as a person. God has repeatedly throughout this year confirmed His path for me and is providing for that path. I have seen friends graduate and move on to greater things. I have had the opportunity grow along side so many others of you as are still working towards graduation day. I have seen you grow as students, as people, and as friends. What I think I am most grateful for this year is for the people God has put into my life. The covers everyone from my family to so many of you at Regent. You guys truly are a blessing.

Alright, for the photo(s) of the post, I think I am going to post a photo of….you! Well, many of you ;)

This is a final group photo of the 2007 RUC before the new members took office in December.

Haha...this is more like it! :D

Because of the nature of this group photo, I have uploaded the full resolution copy so you guys can save it. So just click on the photos to view them.

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