Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, January 17, 2008


It is amazing to me how many times throughout the day a thought comes to me that I think would be great to expand upon in a post only to not remember it when I go to post. I am going to change that.

We for today, here are some of my random thoughts:

I wonder if we really know the deep passions that drive our friend and inspire them to reach beyond themselves? More specifically, do people know what drives me? I believe that people generally know that I am about. First, I believe people generally know that I want to be a Christian influence in government. As a result, they know I hope to one day serve my fellow American as a public servant. But why? Do they know why I want to do this?

So they know that I have very specific beliefs about what has gone wrong concerning government and things I want to see accomplished to correct these things? Do they know what these beliefs or principles are? Do they know why I believe in specific principles concerning government?

In all reality, I am somewhat at fault here because up to this point, I have not been specifically vocal about these beliefs and why. Typically this is because I know that political matters are particularly controversial and can divide people faster than most disagreements. This does not mean that in conversations about politics I reframe from expressing my views (it’s much the opposition many times), but I do not bring it up in typical conversations. I know not everyone is called into government, so any talk about it can be tiring and de-motivating. Yet that is exactly the opposite for me! I thrive on discussing principles of government and liberty!! For me, it is a source of strength and invigoration, yet so much of the time it feels like it lays dormant in my social life.

Maybe the answer is to write more about it. In that way, people can read it, and maybe even ask me questions concerning my views. What I know for sure is, I must begin incorporating it more and more into my life. And it is not because I thrive per se on political matter, but because I value people whom are effected everyday by those political matters.

To get back to the original question…do I truly know the passion like this that drive each of you? Beyond our normal interactions and school activities, what is it that lies still within. That thing within you which if pinpoint, would unleash a flood of energy and emotion. That thing that keeps you up at night thinking. The thing that you could talk about for hours on end without losing interest in. That thing for which you feel you were specifically created to for. I wonder if I do. I believe I know generally, but do I know why? Why is your heart connected to this passion? Why do you stay up at night thinking about it? Why?

I think like myself, we all hope for that moment when someone will ask us the one question that will allow us to unlock and reveal who we truly are. And more than that, we hope that when that moment comes, the person will be truly interested in listening.

With that, and considering the fast and hectic lives we all live, I hope that the opportunities present themselves that will allow me to answer, “Yes, I know why.” And if I do no know you, I hope that you begin to ask yourself these questions concerning those around you.

Sorry, instead of thoughts, that turned out to be a singular though ☺.

Alrighty, since I have been doing so many other special stuff these past posts, here is a photo of the post:

This is of my brother who is a nationally rank BMX racer ( His racing has been a big part of my photographer development and also has contributed to my familiarity to shooting sports photography.

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