Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Speeding and Consequences

So I live out in a fairly rural part of town that has winding, banked two lane roads. They are very honestly fun roads to sometime take fast, but not everyone who attempts this has the appropriate skills to handle what they get themselves into. Sadly this past weekend a biker found himself in that position (or due to something else) and loss control, resulting in he and his bike sliding over two hundred to a stop just in front of our house. He wearing nothing more than some jeans, a t-shirt, and a helmet. It appeared that by the time it was all said and done he was torn-up as well as probably suffering a broken leg.

The end of the slide that began at the bank in the turn

Over the years I have seen countless accidents just in front of my house. Motorcycle and car alike, people overestimate their ability to handle the roads and later find themselves in a ditch, in a telephone pole, or a tree. There have been the more amusing instances where someone blamed their driving into our ditch on a bug flying around in their car, but there have also been the others. At least once a Nightingale helicopter had to be brought in and sadly once I have been witness to the results of double fatality that occurred when a their fast moving car met one of our old pines that stood just on the other side of a ditch.

Rescue workers at work this weekend

The moral of the story is two fold. First, if you going to are going to drive a motorcycle, commit to wearing the proper safety gear (Leathers and such). Second, do not endanger yourself and others on old country roads. Though it is enjoyable to pull the turns, be aware of the conditions and do not put yourself or others into danger just to enjoys the thrill of driving fast (for that I would recommending taking your car to a closed driving track).


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