Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A Time for Choosing

This post was orginally posted on one of my other blogs,

On October 27, 1964, Ronald Reagan delivered the speech which man constituted as Reagan’s political début. The speech, entitled “A Time for Choosing”, is a classic Reagan speech typifying things that were to come. There is very little in this speech which could not be easy related to the situations we face today. Change some names and dates, and the speech could very well be describing today. Rather featuring the whole speech (something I recommend everyone view at least once, if not regularly), I am featuring you to a video which contains the last five minutes of the speech.

History and the path we are to take is not a mystery. This video shows us that history, more times than not, repeats itself and the example for us to follow exist if only we will have the courage to do what is right.

The complete speech can be found at:

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