Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Sunday, April 13, 2008


So I was sitting outside Friday enjoying the beautiful weather that complements the beautiful campus we have here at Regent. Part of me just wanted to simply sit here and soak it in. Do nothing but relax and let the warm rays of the sun just fall on my face. Another part of me was and still is bursting at the seems, feeling like I have so much being poured into me that I am about to burst. Part of that is because of the school work I currently have. Specifically I am working on a project that I really am looking forward to seeing the completed presentation. It is and will require a great amount of work, yet I am still excited about it. On a deeper level through, I feel that God is pouring something into me that I must begin to act upon. It all flows around one word that He put into my spirit in the fall of last year: people.

I feel that if somehow people can now see me as a people person, I still have so much to learn. When it comes to being an effective people person I still feel so inadequate at times. I know that there is so much that I can do to build up those around me. There are so many more ways that I can be investing into the lives of others so they can better become all that God has called them to be. I know that if I can spend my life investing into other people that I will have lived a life worth living. We take time to invest into education, working related trainings, and financial ventures, yet when was the last time we took time to intentionally invest into the lives of those around us? Almost a constant question in my mind is now, “How can I better invest my live into others?” I believe God is showing how to do that better.

A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives.” - Jackie Robinson

I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” - Albert Schweitzer

P.S. Tonight Wave is have the senior pastor of Hillsong London speak at 5 and 7 pm. He was AMAZING this morning!! Come tonight!!

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