Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What is your Passion?

Continuing to reference John Maxwell, he has three questions he likes to ask to help people discover their passion. They are:

What do you sing about?

What do you cry about?

What do you dream about?

Have you every asked yourself theses questions? Are you be able to answer these questions right now? I believe that God puts a passion in each and every one of us because it is a powerful force for enabling us to reach our God given destiny. It allows us to overcome challenges and spark imagination in those around us. A passionate person is a energetic person. It is hard to be a quiet person when you are burning with passion.

The evangelist John Wesley is attributed this quote:

I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.

Passion is a fire that everyone can see. It is irresistible. So are you burning so bright that people can't help but be drawn to you?

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