Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Welcome to the Regent blog network and to my blog in particular. Right now I must say most in the Undergrad are pretty excited. Spring break is coming up soon and many people will be heading back home for a short visit. Then there are people like myself who are local and will just be enjoying the short break from school. Either way, Spring break is welcomed.

For myself personally, I don’t think I initially envisioned myself coming to Regent. Being a local, I believe I was predisposed to try to go away for school, like most do. Because of this, when a friend of mine told me Regent was about to move to a full two year college nearly two years ago, I almost instantly pushed it off. Despite that, I still decided I would at least visit the admissions office. Back then the office where not as prominently situated, and not very impressive, yet something hit me when I walked into it. I knew almost instantly that Regent was where I was supposed to be. Ever since then God has been preparing my route in amazing ways. Regent still is an academic institution and as such experiences its problems, yet because I know beyond a doubt that I am meant to be here, it all seems insignificant in comparison to goal I am working towards. So whether you are looking at coming to Regent or are already here, know that God is here and working in awesome ways on behalf of his institution. I can hardly wait to see what God has down the road for Regent.
The publisher/owner of this website, Paul Boller, is solely responsible for decisions regarding site content. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of Regent University and Regent University assumes no liability for any material appearing herein.